11-09-2011, 08:28 PM
Firstly, I would like to congratulate you on your excellent products.
I am currently working on a college project to create a sound analyser at fixed frequencies.
I have all the components working correctly and am using the SLDetectLevels component on various filtered outputs to create a level boolean flag.
I have defined various output pins on the above component but now need to connect these to my application data global data variables (boolean).
I.E. I just want a simple global data boolean value to reflect the state of each of the detected level settings.
I have looked at the openwire user pin creation example but have failed to get anything working.
Please can you help me on this ?
EDIT: This is for Delphi 2010 and my openwire experience is zero !!! lol
Firstly, I would like to congratulate you on your excellent products.

I am currently working on a college project to create a sound analyser at fixed frequencies.
I have all the components working correctly and am using the SLDetectLevels component on various filtered outputs to create a level boolean flag.
I have defined various output pins on the above component but now need to connect these to my application data global data variables (boolean).
I.E. I just want a simple global data boolean value to reflect the state of each of the detected level settings.
I have looked at the openwire user pin creation example but have failed to get anything working.
Please can you help me on this ?

EDIT: This is for Delphi 2010 and my openwire experience is zero !!! lol