
Full Version: Problem Setting and Getting Codec Parameters
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Using XE2 aund VideoLab 5.0.1 I tried to set and read codec parameters programatically.
The code fragment used is the following:

procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
B: TDSByteArray;
C: Array [0..35] of Byte;
a, i: integer;
C[0] := 99;
B := VLDSVideoLogger1.VideoCompression.Compressions.Items[0].Params.GetData;
i := Length(B);
a := B[0];

The length of the array written by the SetData method is deliverered by the GetData method and the Length function respectively but the content (99) in the first byte is not.

On position 0 in the comressions list the DV Video Encoder was placed manually using the Object Inspector. This Codec has a Parameterlist of 36 Elements.

Has anybody an idea what could be wrong in my code?
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