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Compiling in DEBUG mode = ok, RELEASE not.
08-30-2013, 05:08 PM
Post: #1
Sad Compiling in DEBUG mode = ok, RELEASE not.

I'm using the free version, without sources (v6.0.0) in combination with Delphi XE3 Enterprise.
When I compile an example, it is working fine in DEBUG mode, but when I switch to RELEASE, I get error of missing .DCU files (e.g. SLBasicDispatcher.dcu, IPPExtraFunctions.dcu, IPPPTypes.dcu, ...).
When I look into the folder <RAD Folder>\LabPacks\XE3\Win32\Debug, the files are present, but missing in the <RAD Folder>\LabPacks\XE3\Win32\Release folder.
Any reason why they are missing in the Release folder? I installed with all options.

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Compiling in DEBUG mode = ok, RELEASE not. - ImageLevel - 08-30-2013 05:08 PM

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