Merging Multiple Videos with DirectShow - Printable Version

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Merging Multiple Videos with DirectShow - firesharkstudios - 12-01-2012 07:09 AM

Ideally, I'd like to be able to...

1) Concatenate multiple videos into a single video

2) Overlap the videos by a small amount (perhaps 0.5s) with a fade transition between the videos

3) Compress the resulting single video to MP4 format

Can I do this with your VideoLab library? I'm thinking I have to create a DSVideoPlayer instance for each source video, wire them each to a single VideoMixer component, add a DSVideoCompressor component, and then use a DSVideoLogger component to write out the resulting file.

Is this about right?

RE: Merging Multiple Videos with DirectShow - Dave - 12-01-2012 08:24 AM

Sort of, compressing the video can be done by the logger already so you don't need the compressor component.


RE: Merging Multiple Videos with DirectShow - firesharkstudios - 12-01-2012 06:24 PM

Thanks, I'm really not clear how to implement the transition effects (0.5s fade between clips). Do I need to wire the ApplyAlpha component inline with each clip and programmatically change the alpha value at the right times for each clip?

RE: Merging Multiple Videos with DirectShow - Dave - 12-01-2012 08:59 PM

There are multiple ways to accomplish this, try whichever suits your needs best. Using just the mixer might be enough though.


RE: Merging Multiple Videos with DirectShow - firesharkstudios - 12-02-2012 06:29 AM

So, I've got a collection of clips that I want concatenated one after the other in a single video file.

I've started writing the following code...

            foreach (Clip clip in this.reel.Clips) {
                DSVideoPlayer dsVideoPlayer = new DSVideoPlayer();
                dsVideoPlayer.FileName = clip.FullFileName;

                VideoMixerChannelItem channelItem = new VideoMixerChannelItem();
                // Not sure how to connect the dsVideoPlayer to the VideoMixerChannelItem
                dsVideoPlayer.OutputPin = channelItem;  

I'm assuming I need a DSVideoPlayer instance for each clip and it should be wired to a VideoMixerChannelItem but I'm not seeing how to connect the two. Guidance?

RE: Merging Multiple Videos with DirectShow - Dave - 12-02-2012 08:56 AM

Can't test this at the moment but can you try something like: dsVideoPlayer.OutputPin.Connect(channelItem);

I assume there must be help-files included in the VC install as well, perhaps you can find some more info there too.


RE: Merging Multiple Videos with DirectShow - firesharkstudios - 12-02-2012 10:17 AM

I've not found any useful documentation. Not sure how to access any of the documention under c:\program files(x86)\LabPacks\DotNet\Help.

This is what I currently have...

private List<DSVideoPlayer> dsVideoPlayers = new List<DSVideoPlayer>();
        private int dsVideoPlayersIndex = 0;
        private void startButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            this.dsVideoLogger.FileName = this.fileNameValueLabel.Text;
            for (int i = 0; i < this.reel.Clips.Count; i++) {
                DSVideoPlayer dsVideoPlayer = new DSVideoPlayer();
                dsVideoPlayer.FileName = this.reel.Clips[i].FullFileName;
                dsVideoPlayer.Stopped += new EventHandler(dsVideoPlayer_Stopped);


        void dsVideoPlayer_Stopped(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            this.dsVideoPlayers[this.dsVideoPlayersIndex].Stopped -= dsVideoPlayer_Stopped;
            if (this.dsVideoPlayersIndex < this.dsVideoPlayers.Count) {
            else {

Is it correct that I should be starting each individual DSVideoPlayer at the right time to concatenate them properly?

RE: Merging Multiple Videos with DirectShow - Dave - 12-02-2012 10:43 AM

Yeah, good idea..

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