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sound and video not synchronized
06-26-2014, 12:21 AM
Post: #13
RE: sound and video not synchronized
Yes it does but the syntax is different. For example I could get and use the name of the codec to select the compression with VLDSVideoLogger but VLAVILogger GetAvailableCompressions returns a code instead of the codec name and you have to use the 4 letter code to set the compression. This is the example I found...

VLAVILogger1.Compression.Count = 3;

VLAVILogger1.Compression[0].Compressor = "CVID";
VLAVILogger1.Compression[0].Quality = 500;

VLAVILogger1.Compression[1].Compressor = "IV32";
VLAVILogger1.Compression[1].Quality = 800;

VLAVILogger1.Compression[2].Compressor = "MSVC";
VLAVILogger1.Compression[2].Quality = 700;

I have no idea what CVID or MSVC refers to and so far have not been able to figure out what the code for the Xvid codec we use is.

Also I was using Compressions->Item(0)->ShowDialog() to allow the user to adjust the codec properties but that function isn't available in VLAVILogger, or I haven't found it.

Tomorrow I will create a test app with a visual list of what is returned by GetAvailableCompressions and see if I can't figure out how to ues it.
Didn't wait till tomorrow... This is getting interesting.. It looks like it is working the same as it did regardless of what the docs say.
GetAvailableCompressions does return the codec name and it can be set using just the name but now I have another problem.

I recorded a 10 second video with sound, everything looks great, sound synced with video and I think it's using the Xvid codec. Problem is it only saved the first 6 seconds of my 10 second video. I haven't played with any of the VLAVILogger properties yet but it's getting closer to working as it should.

I've about had it for today, will play with it more tomorrow.

Just checked the saved video file properties, I was wrong it isn't compressing the video so isn't using the Xvid codec. Another hurdle...

Sorry, jumped the gun, I didn't have Compression Enabled.. Once I enabled compression it worked as advertized.. My 10 second video is 10 seconds long and it is using the Xvid codec. Looks like all that is left is figuring out how to get ShowDialog() working.
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RE: sound and video not synchronized - Dave - 06-25-2014, 10:51 PM
RE: sound and video not synchronized - BReeves - 06-26-2014 12:21 AM
RE: sound and video not synchronized - Dave - 06-26-2014, 01:46 AM

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