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Letting user pick Codec (2)
02-24-2016, 11:28 PM
Post: #1
Letting user pick Codec (2)
The original thread with the same subject is 4 years old so thought I would start another.

What I had worked as advertized in Builder 5 but am having trouble with XE5. Managed to figure out how to get a list of the installed Codecs and put the names into a string list.

In Builder 5 The following worked.

TVLVideoCompressionItems *CompItems;
TVLVideoCompressionItem *CompItem;

// Put available compressor names in a string list
VLAVILogger1->Compression->Compressions->GetAvailableCompressions(CodecStrList, ciDescription);

// Populate CompItems
CompItems = VLAVILogger1->Compression->Compressions;
CompItem = CompItems->Add();

// set compressor to 2nd item in list (for example)
CompItem->Compressor = CodecStrList->Strings[1];

That was it, not sure how the Logger knew that CompItem was the compressor it needed to use but it worked. Same code in XE5 with newer VideoLab doesn't work. The captured video isn't using the assigned codec.
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Messages In This Thread
Letting user pick Codec (2) - BReeves - 02-24-2016 11:28 PM
RE: Letting user pick Codec (2) - BReeves - 02-25-2016, 10:27 PM

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