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Use this property to get or set the resolution for certain brush bitmaps that are stored in this metafile. Remarks The purpose of this method is to prevent metafiles from becoming too large as a result of texture and gradient brushes being stored at high resolution. Suppose you construct a Metafile object (for recording an EmfTypeEmfOnly metafile) based on the device context of a printer that has a resolution of 600 dpi. Also suppose you create a path gradient brush or a texture brush based on a Bitmap object that has a resolution of 96 dpi. If the bitmap that represents that brush is stored in the metafile with a resolution of 96 dpi, it will require much less space than if it is stored with a resolution of 600 dpi.

The default rasterization limit for metafiles is 96 dpi. So if you do not call this method at all, path gradient brush and texture brush bitmaps are stored with a resolution of 96 dpi.

The rasterization limit has an effect on metafiles of type EmfTypeEmfOnly and EmfTypeEmfPlusDual, but it has no effect on metafiles of type EmfTypeEmfPlusOnly.

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