Class SLNoiseStats.TSLNoiseStats

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BIGSLNoiseStats.gif SLNoiseStats.gif NETSLNoiseStats.gif

Package: SignalLabPkg

Unit: SLNoiseStats

Inherits: TSLFourierBase




type TSLNoiseStats = class( TSLFourierBase )

C++ Builder:

class TSLNoiseStats : public TSLFourierBase

Visual C++ (MFC):

class CTSLNoiseStats : public CTSLFourierBase

C# (.NET):

public ref class NoiseStats : Mitov.SignalLab.FourierBase


Calculates the noise stats of a signal.


TSLNoiseStats is a component that accepts either a real or complex input data stream containing a single fundamental frequency within a noisy signal, and analyzes the stream in order to calculate a number of useful statistics, including Signal-to-Noise ratio (SNR), Total Harmonic Distortion (THD), and Signal-to-Noise-and-Distortion (SINAD). The component achieves these calculations with the following sequential steps: 1) The input signal is normalized and an initial FFT is performed, 2) the fundamental frequency and its harmonics are located within the FFT output spectrum, 3) the various statistics are calculated, 4) a TSLNoiseStatsNotifyEvent is generated to supply the calculated statistics (in the form of a TSLNoiseStatResults object) to the client, and finally 5) the results of the initial FFT are made available on the OutpuPin and SpectrumOutputPin.

In addition to the above 5-step process, an event is provided to allow clients to mask (exclude) certain bins from the statistic calculations. For example, clients sometimes need to exclude “skirt” bins near the fundamental or harmonics. And because harmonic location occurs in step (2) above, and statistic calculations occur in step (3) above, bin exclusion needs to be specified midway through the algorithm. To allow this, a TSLBinMaskOpportunityEvent is generated just after step (2). To utilize this event, assign property OnBinMaskOpportunity to an event handler. Within the handler, clients have access to the fundamental and harmonic bin locations, and can call the TSLNoiseStats.BinMask.Add() method to add a bin number to exclude. For example, to exclude a single bin adjacent left and adjacent right of the first harmonic, inside the event handler use code such as:


SLNoiseStats Preview.png

Delphi Example:

SLNoiseStats1.BinMask.Clear(); // remove all existing masks
SLNoiseStats1.BinMask.Add(  Harmonics.HarmonicBin[ 0 ] – 1 );
SLNoiseStats1.BinMask.Add(  Harmonics.HarmonicBin[ 0 ] + 1 );

C++ Builder Example:

SLNoiseStats1->BinMask->Clear(); // remove all existing masks
SLNoiseStats1->BinMask->Add(  Harmonics->HarmonicBin[ 0 ] – 1 );
SLNoiseStats1->BinMask->Add(  Harmonics->HarmonicBin[ 0 ] + 1 );

Visual C++/MFC Example:

SLNoiseStats1.BinMask.Clear(); // remove all existing masks
SLNoiseStats1.BinMask.Add( Harmonics.HarmonicBin[ 0 ] – 1 );
SLNoiseStats1.BinMask.Add( Harmonics.HarmonicBin[ 0 ] + 1 );

Visual C# Example:

SLNoiseStats1.BinMask.Clear(); // remove all existing masks
SLNoiseStats1.BinMask.Add( Harmonics.HarmonicBin[ 0 ] – 1 );
SLNoiseStats1.BinMask.Add( Harmonics.HarmonicBin[ 0 ] + 1 );

This code will change the amplitudes of these adjacent bins in the FFT output spectrum by setting them to the average amplitude of the signal.

Note This change has effect only for statistic calculations that follow the FFT – there is no change in the actual FFT output stream available on the OutputPin or SpectrumOutputPin.





From TSLFourierBase





From TSLFourierBaseComponent




From TSLBasicThreadedFilter



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