Just to make sure you get the wrong resolution you could use InBuffer.GetWidth(); and InBuffer.GetHeight(); in the GenericFilter event to display the actual resolution on a label for example.
i just made it... and returned 640x480

Tried different resolutions already like 320x240?
yes i tried and did not work again.
i dont know why.
i really dont know what to do now.
Those HD cams from Microsoft only output 640x480, despite their ads.
I have moved on to Logitech cameras which behave better. The HDs have
an annoying refocusing problem throughout the series of models.
May I suggest the Logitech C260. Its cheap, with an excellent picture at 800x600.
(12-08-2011 09:16 AM)Dave Wrote: [ -> ]Hi! You can set the VideoSize->Width and height yourself. Make sure Current is set to false.
Wow, this works for me.
Thanks a lot.
And now i ran into this myself, weird fix: uninstall the LifeCam software from Control Panel -> Programs and features.. then HD capture works.