Class SLScope.TSLDataChart
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Package: SignalLabScopePkg
Unit: SLScope
Inherits: TSLDataDisplay
Contents |
type TSLDataChart = class( TSLDataDisplay )
C++ Builder:
class TSLDataChart : public TSLDataDisplay
Visual C++ (MFC):
class CTSLDataChart : public CTSLDataDisplay
C# (.NET):
public ref class TSLDataChart : Mitov.PlotLab.DataDisplay
Base abstract class for multi channel data displays.
This is a base class for visual multi channel data displays such as Scopes and Plot components. Do not make instances of this class. Instead create instance of an inherited class.
- YAxis - The Y Axis of the control.
- XAxis - The X Axis of the control.
- Legend - The legend area of the control.
- DataView - The data view area of the component.
- Highlighting - Specifies the highlighting options.
- CursorsStayInView - Specifies if the cursors will remain within the view.
- function GetHighlightInfo() : TSLHighlightInfo
- function GetHighlighting() : TSLDisplayHighlighting
- function GetCursors() : TSLDisplayCursors
- function GetDataView() : TSLDisplayView
- procedure ZoomBy(XValue : Real; YValue : Real; SaveHistory : Boolean)
- procedure ZoomTo(XMin : Real; XMax : Real; YMin : Real; YMax : Real; SaveHistory : Boolean)
- procedure ZoomToData(XMin : Real; XMax : Real; YMin : Real; YMax : Real; SaveHistory : Boolean)
- InputPins - The Y input pins for the component.
- XInputPins - The X input pins for the component.
- OnOverChannel - Occurs when the mouse has been moved over a scope channel.
- OnLeaveChannel - Occurs when the mouse leaves the area above a scope channel.
From TSLDataDisplay
- Color - The color of the display.
- Title - The title area of the control.
- ToolBar - The toolbar area of the control.
- Zooming - Specifies the behavior of the zooming.
- Cursor
- NavigateMode - Specifies the navigate mode (Zoom or Pan).
- Trails - Specifies the settings for the mouse move trails.
- Elements - Component elements collection.
- RefreshInterval - Specifies how often the view area will be updated.
- Visible - Specifies if the control will be visible.
- TabStop
- CanRedoZoom - Can Redo the Zoom.
- CanUndoZoom - Can Undo the Zoom.
- CanZoomOut - Can Zoom In.
- CanZoomIn - Can Zoom In.
- Hold - Holds (freezes) the samples on the component.
- PlotWidth
- PlotHeight
- Views
- procedure SetToolTipText(AValue : PChar) - Provides a new ToolTip Text value( Visual C++ (MFC/Win32) only ).
- function GetToolTipText() : String - Returns the current tooltip text (Visual C++ only).
- procedure SetBounds(ALeft : Integer; ATop : Integer; AWidth : Integer; AHeight : Integer)
- procedure Loaded()
- procedure SetParent(AParent : TWinControl)
- function GetOperations() : TLPDrawLayerOperations
- procedure InvalidateRefresh() - Fully invalidates and flushes the draw caches of the component.
- procedure PostRefresh()
- procedure RefreshView() - Repaints the component with the most current data.
- procedure CopyToBitmap(ABitmap : TBitmap) - Copies the content of the display to a Bitmap.
- function GetAxisValueAt(X : Integer; Y : Integer; var AxisX : Real; var AxisY : Real) : Boolean - Returns the X and Y axis value at a mouse point.
- procedure GetChildren(Proc : TGetChildProc; Root : TComponent)
- function GetHighlightInfo() : TSLHighlightInfo
- function GetHighlighting() : TSLDisplayHighlighting
- function GetCursors() : TSLDisplayCursors
- procedure Print() - Prints the display.
- procedure CopyToClipboard() - Copies the content of the display to the Clipboard.
- procedure SaveToBitmap(FileName : String) - Saves snapshot of the display into a bitmap file.
- procedure SaveToJpeg(FileName : String) - Saves snapshot of the display into a JPEG file.
- function GetDataView() : TSLDisplayView
- function GetIsVertical() : Boolean
- function GetColorChannelIndex(AView : TSLDisplayView) : Integer
- procedure DoColorChannelClick(AItemIndex : Integer)
- procedure DoLayerDraw(ACanvas : TLPCanvas; AWidth : Integer; AHeight : Integer; AXCoeff : Single; AYCoeff : Single; AContoursOnly : Boolean)
- procedure ZoomOff() - Turns the zoom off.
- procedure ZoomBy(AValue : Real)
- procedure ZoomBy(AValue : Real; SaveHistory : Boolean)
- procedure ZoomBy(XValue : Real; YValue : Real)
- procedure ZoomBy(XValue : Real; YValue : Real; SaveHistory : Boolean)
- procedure ZoomTo(XMin : Real; XMax : Real; YMin : Real; YMax : Real) - Zooms to show the range between XMin, XMax, YMin and YMax.
- procedure ZoomTo(XMin : Real; XMax : Real; YMin : Real; YMax : Real; SaveHistory : Boolean) - Zooms to show the range between XMin, XMax, YMin and YMax. Allows optionally the zoom history to be saved for Undo.
- procedure ZoomToData(XMin : Real; XMax : Real; YMin : Real; YMax : Real) - Zooms to show the range between XMin, XMax, YMin and YMax based on the data scaling.
- procedure ZoomToData(XMin : Real; XMax : Real; YMin : Real; YMax : Real; SaveHistory : Boolean) - Zooms to show the range between XMin, XMax, YMin and YMax based on the data scaling. Allows optionally the zoom history to be saved for Undo.
- procedure UndoZoom() - Restores the zoom to previous values.
- procedure RedoZoom() - Restores to a zoom that has been used before the last UndoZoom.
- procedure ClearZoomUndo() - Clears all the ZoomUndo and ZoomRedo history.
- OnZoomChanged - Occurs when the zoom has been changed.
- OnDataToolTip - Occurs when the data tool tip will be shown or updated.
- OnPaint - Occurs when the control is redrawn.
- OnKeyDown
- OnKeyPress
- OnKeyUp
- OnClick
- OnDblClick
- OnMouseDown
- OnMouseMove
- OnMouseUp