Unit SLScope
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Package: SignalLabScopePkg
Contents |
Contains the code for the TSLScope component.
This unit contains the code for the TSLScope component.
- TSLScope - Visible Scope/Plot component for representing floating point data.
- TSLScopeLayer - A scope drawing layer. See Also Defines a scope drawing layer. You can add this layer to any drawing component such as TVLDraw to render a video layer containing a scope. Diagram: <image SLScopeLayer_Preview> Example: <image ScopeLayerSample>
- TSLExternalScopeElement - A scope component element.
Matrix Layers
- TSLExternalScopeMatrixLayer - A scope matrix component layer.
- TOWSuppliedZoomOperation
- TSLZoomPin - Defines axis zooming state pin.
- TSLDisplayCollectionItem - Basic display collection item type.
- TSLDisplayCollection - Basic display collection type.
- TSLDisplaySelectableCollectionItem - Basic display selectable collection item type.
- TSLOptionalDisplayCollectionItem - Optional (Visible/Invisible) display collection item.
- TSLOptionalDisplayCollection - Collection of optional display elements.
- TSLDisplayMarkerLabelPosition - X, Y marker text offsets from a variable coordinate property class.
- TSLMarkerGroupLabel - Visual Marker Label class.
- TSLDisplayMarkerCrosshairLine - Display marker crosshair settings class.
- TSLDisplayMarkerCrosshairLines - Specifies the marker crosshair properties.
- TSLDisplayMarkerGroup - Display marker group class.
- TSLScopeMarkerGroup - Group of TSLScopeChannelMarker items.
- TSLScopeMarkerGroups - Collection of TSLScopeMarkerGroup items.
- TSLDisplayZonePoint - Display zone point collection item.
- TSLDisplayZonePoints - Collection of zone points.
- TSLDisplayComponent - Basic abstract class for visual display components.
- TSLDisplayView - Base abstract class for data view of visual data displays.
- TSLCustomColorDisplayView - Base abstract class for display data view.
- TSLCustomSizeDisplayView - Base abstract class for display data view.
- TSLOptionalView - Base abstract class for optional display view.
- TSLOptionalAxis - Base abstract class for optional axis.
- TSLTrackingOptionalAxis - Basic abstract class for optional display tracking axis.
- TSLDisplayLabel - Optional visual Label class.
- TSLDisplayTitleLabel - Title visual Label class.
- TSLDisplayAxis - Basic abstract class for visual data axis.
- TSLBasicDisplayYAxis - Basic abstract class for visual data Y axis.
- TSLDisplayYAxis - Visual X axis.
- TSLBasicDisplayXAxis - Basic abstract class for visual data X axis.
- TSLDisplayXAxis - Visual X axis.
- TSLOptionalAxesDisplayCollectionItem - Optional (Visible/Invisible) display axis collection item.
- TSLOptionalAxesCursorDisplayCollectionItem - Optional (Visible/Invisible) display collection item with mouse cursor.
- TSLBasicDisplayZone - Basic display zone.
- TSLBasicDisplayZones - Collection of display zones.
- TSLDisplayZone - Display zone collection item.
- TSLDisplayZones - Collection of display zones.
- TSLDisplayElementPosition - Element position settings class.
- TSLDisplayEllipticZone - Display elliptic zone.
- TSLDisplayEllipticZones - Collection of elliptic display zones.
- TSLBasicDisplayMarker - Base class for scope and waterfall display markers.
- TSLDisplayMarker - Base class for scope and waterfall display markers.
- TSLDisplayMarkers - Base collection of display Markers.
- TSLScopeMarker - Scope display marker.
- TSLScopeMarkers - Collection of Scope Markers.
- TSLScopeChannelMarker - Scope channel marker class.
- TSLScopeChannelMarkers - Collection of TSLScopeChannelMarker items.
- TSLDisplayElementChannelLink - Link between element and channel.
- TSLDisplayCursorChannelLinkData - Cursor/Channel intersection data class.
- TSLDisplayCursorChannelLink - Link between cursor and channel.
- TSLDisplayElementChannelLinks - Collection of display element-channel links
- TSLDisplayCursorChannelLinks - Collection of display cursor-channel links
- TSLDisplayPersistent - Persistent display item class.
- TSLScopePoints - Look and feel of the scope channel points class.
- TSLScopeZonePoints - Look and feel of the scope channel zone points class.
- TSLDisplayOptionalHighlighting - Display Highlighting settings class.
- TSLDisplayZoneChannelLinkData - Channel points in zone data class.
- TSLDisplayZoneChannelLink - Link between zone and channel.
- TSLDisplayZoneChannelLinks - Collection of display zone-channel links
- TSLBasicViewButtonSettings - View button settings class.
- TSLViewButtonSettings - View button settings class.
- TSLLegendViewButtonSettings - Legend view button settings class.
- TSLDisplayCursorPosition - Cursor X and Y position settings class.
- TSLHighlightInfo
- TSLScopeSelection - Selection area between 2 cursors settings.
- TSLDisplayCursorLink - Link between two display cursors.
- TSLScopeCursorLink - Link between two scope cursors.
- TSLDisplayElementList - Defines a list of display elements.
- TSLDisplayCursorLinkList - list of cursor links.
- TSLDisplayChannelLinkList
- TSLAssociatedChannelLinkList - List of channels associated with the axis.
- TSLAssociatedElementList
- TSLDisplayChannelLink - Link between two cursors.
- TSLDisplayCursorMouseCursor - Display cursors mouse cursor settings class.
- TSLDisplayCursor - Display channel cursor.
- TSLScopeCursor - Scope channel cursor.
- TSLScopeMeasurementLine - Measurement line connecting 2 cursors settings.
- TSLDisplayTextLabel - Display text label class.
- TSLScopeTextLabel - Scope text label class.
- TSLDisplayTextLabels - Display text labels collection class.
- TSLScopeTextLabels - Scope text labels collection class.
- TSLAxisFormat - Axis format settings.
- TSLDisplayCursorLinks - Collection of display cursor links.
- TSLScopeCursorLinks - Collection of scope cursor links.
- TSLDisplayChannelLinks - Collection of display channel links
- TSLDisplayCursors - Collection of TSLDisplayCursor items.
- TSLScopeCursors - Collection of TSLScopeCursor items.
- TSLBasicZonesList
- TSLDisplayChannel - Base abstract class for visual data displays channels.
- TSLDisplayChannels - Collection of TSLDisplayChannel objects.
- TSLChannelData - Channel data class.
- TSLScopeChannel - Visual Scope data channels class.
- TSLDisplayViews - Collection of TSLDisplayView objects.
- TSLDisplayComponents
- TSLDisplayViewBackground - Display Background settings class.
- TSLDisplayViewSize - Display view size parameters class.
- TSLDisplayProperty - Basic abstract class for display properties.
- TSLDisplayMarkerPosition - X, Y marker position property class.
- TSLVisibleDisplayProperty - Basic abstract class for visual display properties.
- TSLDisplayGridLineSettings - Specifies the way an axis line will be drawn in the data view.
- TSLDisplayGridDirectionalLinesSettings - Specifies the way the axis lines will be drawn in the data view.
- TSLScopeDataView - Scope data view class.
- TSLBasicLegendGroup - Visual Legend group of a display class.
- TSLLegendGroup - Visual Legend group of a display class.
- TSLCustomLegendGroup - Custom legend group.
- TSLCustomLegendItem - Custom legend item.
- TSLCustomLegendItems - Collection of custom legend items.
- TSLLegendGroupCollectionItem - Legend group item.
- TSLLegendGroupCollection - Collection of custom legend groups.
- TSLLegendView - Visual Legend of a display class.
- TSLDataDisplayLegendView - Visual Legend of a display class.
- TSLScopeLegendView - Visual Legend of a display class.
- TSLBasicDisplayTitle - Base class for scope and waterfall display titles.
- TSLDisplayTitle - Visual Title of a display class.
- TSLAdditionalDisplayTitle - Additional display title.
- TSLDisplayTitleCollectionItem - Additional display title collection item.
- TSLDisplayTitleCollection - Collection of additional display titles.
- TSLMinorTicks - Visual appearance of the minor ticks of an axis scale.
- TSLMajorTicksParam - Major Ticks Mode settings class.
- TSLTicksStart - Start value of the major ticks of an axis class.
- TSLMajorTicks - Visual appearance of the major ticks of an axis scale.
- TSLDisplayCachedValue
- TSLScaleCachedMinMaxValue
- TSLLimitCachedMinMaxValue
- TSLDisplayToolBarButton - Toolbar button settings class.
- TSLDisplayIntToolBarButtonList
- TSLBasicDisplayToolBar - Visual toolbar for the data display components class.
- TSLAxisToolBarButtons - Axis toolbar button settings.
- TSLAxisToolBar - The toolbar area of the control axis.
- TSLDisplayAxisList
- TSLBasicAxisValue - Basic axis value settings.
- TSLDisplayOptionalValue - Display optional value settings class.
- TSLDisplayValueRange - Display value range settings class.
- TSLBasicRangedAxisValue - Basic axis value settings.
- TSLAxisValue - Basic axis value settings.
- TSLMaxAxisValue - Basic axis value settings.
- TSLScopeAutoScalingSpace - Auto Scaling space settings class.
- TSLScopeAutoScaling - Auto Scaling settings class.
- TSLDisplayAxisCursorSettings - Cursor axis settings class.
- TSLDisplayButtonImages
- TSLToolBarPosition - ToolBar position position property class.
- TSLDisplayToolBarButtons - Display toolbar button settings.
- TSLDisplayToolBar - Visual toolbar for the data display components class.
- TSLBasicScopeYAxis - Scope X Axis abstract base class.
- TSLAdditionalScopeYAxis - Additional Scope Y Axis.
- TSLScopeYAxesCollectionItem - Additional scope Y Axis collection item.
- TSLScopeYAxesCollection - Collection of additional scope Y Axes.
- TSLScopeYAxis - Scope X Axis class.
- TSLScopeMaxSample - Max Sample settings class.
- TSLScopeXAxisUnitScale - Controls the way the units scaling will be done - Hz, KHz, MHz etc.
- TSLBasicDisplayZoom - Basic display zoom properties class.
- TSLDisplayAxisZoom - Display axis zoom properties class.
- TSLBasicScopeXAxis - Scope X Axis abstract base class.
- TSLAdditionalScopeXAxis - Additional Scope X Axis.
- TSLScopeXAxesCollectionItem - Additional scope X Axis collection item.
- TSLScopeXAxesCollection - Collection of additional scope X Axes.
- TSLScopeXAxis - Scope X Axis class.
- TSLScopeChannels - Collection of TSLScopeChannel items.
- TSLAxisZoomListItem
- TSLAxisZoomList
- TSLDisplayZoomList
- TSLDisplayTrails - Display Trails settings class.
- TSLDataDisplay - Basic abstract class for visual data displays.
- TSLChannelMouseHitPoint - Mouse Hit Point label settings class.
- TSLDisplayItemHighlighting - Display Item Highlighting settings class.
- TSLChannelItemHighlighting - Channel highlighting settings class.
- TSLDisplayHighlighting - Display Highlighting settings class.
- TSLDataDisplayHighlighting - Data Display Highlighting settings class.
- TSLDisplayZoom - Display zoom properties class.
- TSLDisplayIntToolBarButton
- TSLDataChart - Base abstract class for multi channel data displays.
- TSLScope - Visible Scope/Plot component for representing floating point data.
- TSLScopeLayer - A scope drawing layer. See Also Defines a scope drawing layer. You can add this layer to any drawing component such as TVLDraw to render a video layer containing a scope. Diagram: <image SLScopeLayer_Preview> Example: <image ScopeLayerSample>
- TSLExternalScopeElement - A scope component element.
- TSLExternalScopeMatrixLayer - A scope matrix component layer.
- TSLExternalScopeMatrixElement
- TSLRealPoint - Real (double) X, Y coordinates point.
- TSLRealRanges - MinX, MaxX MinY and MaxY values structure.
- TSLViewAlign - View alignment enumeration.
- TSLViewScreenAlign
- TSLAxisDirection
- TSLScopePointsShape - Channel point display shapes enumeration.
- TSLDisplayDrawPart
- TSLScopeChannelMode - Channel display modes enumeration.
- TSLScopeChannelLinkMode - Channel link display modes enumeration.
- TSLHitDetectDirection
- TSLChannelShadeMode - Channel shade modes enumeration.
- TSLZoomOperation - Zoom types enumeration.
- TSLMajorTicksMode - Major Axis Ticks calculation method enumeration.
- TSLScaleMode - Axis scale modes enumeration.
- TSLPrecisionMode - Precision modes enumeration.
- TSLDisplayNavigateMode - Display navigation mode enumeration.
- TSLDisplayZoomMode - Display zoom mode enumeration.
- TSLDisplayCursorKind - Display cursor modes enumeration.
- TSLToolBarHostView - ToolBar host view enumeration.
- TSLMaxAxisMode - Max Axis calculation method enumeration.
- TSLDisplayAxisTicksMode - Axis tick modes enumeration.
- TSLSampleDrawEvent - Sample is in about to be painted event type.
- TSLChannelClickEvent - Channel has been clicked event type.
- TSLDisplayMarkerClickEvent - Defines OnClick events for MarkerGroup items.
- TSLOverChannelEvent - Mouse cursor over a scope channel event type.
- TSLDataToolTipEvent - Data tool tip is displayed event type.
- TSLScopeMarkerDraggedEvent - Scope Channel Marker has been dragged event type.
- TSLDisplayMarkerDraggedEvent - Marker has been dragged event type.
- TSLChannelDrawEvent - Channel is in about to be painted event type.
- TSLToolBarButtonClickEvent - Toolbar button has been clicked event type.
- TSLChartItemClickEvent - Defines OnItemClick events for LegendGroup items.
- TSLCustomAxisLabelEvent - Defines event to be fired when a label is in about to be painted.
- TSLCustomMouseLabelEvent - Defines event to be fired when a mouse label is in about to be painted.
- TSLCustomStepEvent - Custom step is to be calculated event type.
- TSLPositionChangeEvent - Cursor or a measurement line has been moved by the user event type.
- TSLZoomChangedEvent - Zoom has changed event type.
- TSLIntersectPointEvent
- TSLIntChannelPointsEvent
- TSLGetLimitEvent
- TSLChangeLimitEvent
- TTicksCallbackEvent