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Showing below up to 50 results starting with #1,601.

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  1. (hist) ‎Class SLScope.TSLDisplayMarkerLabelPosition ‎[1,848 bytes]
  2. (hist) ‎Class ALChannelSplitter.TALChannelSplitter ‎[1,847 bytes]
  3. (hist) ‎Class MLDMOSupport.TMLDMOBasicParameterEnvelope ‎[1,845 bytes]
  4. (hist) ‎Class ALVSTHost.TALVSTParameterValue ‎[1,843 bytes]
  5. (hist) ‎Class VLFitLines.TVLFitLinesDistance ‎[1,842 bytes]
  6. (hist) ‎Pin VLCommonFilter.TVLCommonFilter.OutputPin ‎[1,840 bytes]
  7. (hist) ‎Method function IGDIPlus.IGPGraphics.ExcludeClip(IGPRegion) : TGPGraphics ‎[1,838 bytes]
  8. (hist) ‎Method function IGDIPlus.IGPGraphics.MeasureCharacterRangesF(WideString;IGPFont;TGPRectF;IGPStringFormat) : TGPRegionArray ‎[1,837 bytes]
  9. (hist) ‎Class VLFitLines.TVLFitLinesAccuracy ‎[1,837 bytes]
  10. (hist) ‎Class SLScope.TSLVisibleDisplayProperty ‎[1,836 bytes]
  11. (hist) ‎Enum IGDIPlus.TGPDashCap ‎[1,834 bytes]
  12. (hist) ‎Class ULBasicControl.TULColorItem ‎[1,834 bytes]
  13. (hist) ‎Class ALASIOAudioDevice.TALASIOOutputChannelItem ‎[1,833 bytes]
  14. (hist) ‎Class VLMotionDetect.TVLMotionGrid ‎[1,832 bytes]
  15. (hist) ‎Class VLVirtualDub.TVLVirtualDubConfig ‎[1,832 bytes]
  16. (hist) ‎Class ALASIOAudioDevice.TALASIOInputChannelItem ‎[1,831 bytes]
  17. (hist) ‎Class SLWaterfall.TSLWaterfallHighlighting ‎[1,831 bytes]
  18. (hist) ‎Method procedure VLDSImageDisplay.TVLDSImageDisplay.Start(Integer;Integer;TVLVideoFormat) ‎[1,830 bytes]
  19. (hist) ‎Class DSCaptureDevice.TDSDeviceItem ‎[1,830 bytes]
  20. (hist) ‎Enum ALVSTHost.TALVSTPanLawType ‎[1,829 bytes]
  21. (hist) ‎Method function IGDIPlus.IGPGraphics.MeasureCharacterRangesF(WideString;IGPFont;TGPPointF;IGPStringFormat) : TGPRegionArray ‎[1,829 bytes]
  22. (hist) ‎Class VLDVDPlayer.TVLDVDBasicDefaultItem ‎[1,829 bytes]
  23. (hist) ‎Method function IGDIPlus.IGPAdjustableArrowCap.GetMiddleInset() : Single ‎[1,828 bytes]
  24. (hist) ‎Property VLFixedFilter.TVLFixedFilter.MaskSize ‎[1,828 bytes]
  25. (hist) ‎Enum VLDSCapture.TVLDSAdjustmentMode ‎[1,827 bytes]
  26. (hist) ‎Method function IGDIPlus.IGPGraphicsPathIterator.HasCurve() : Boolean ‎[1,824 bytes]
  27. (hist) ‎Class VLCommonCombine.TVLCombineFrameSize ‎[1,824 bytes]
  28. (hist) ‎Property DSCaptureDevice.TDSDevice.DeviceName ‎[1,824 bytes]
  29. (hist) ‎Class LPGDIPlusProperties.TLPGPPoints ‎[1,824 bytes]
  30. (hist) ‎Class SLScope.TSLDisplayCollectionItem ‎[1,823 bytes]
  31. (hist) ‎Pin SLGenericRealValue.TSLGenericRealValue.InputPin ‎[1,823 bytes]
  32. (hist) ‎Class SLDetectLevels.TSLDetectLevels ‎[1,822 bytes]
  33. (hist) ‎Pin VLRealToFrame.TVLRealToFrame.OutputPin ‎[1,819 bytes]
  34. (hist) ‎Property VLCrop.TVLCrop.Region ‎[1,819 bytes]
  35. (hist) ‎Class LPGDIPlusProperties.TLPGPSingleArray ‎[1,816 bytes]
  36. (hist) ‎Class VLHoughCircles.TVLHoughMaskSize ‎[1,815 bytes]
  37. (hist) ‎Class VLHaarDetectObjects.TVLHaarScaling ‎[1,814 bytes]
  38. (hist) ‎Pin VLCommonFilter.TVLCommonFilter.InputPin ‎[1,814 bytes]
  39. (hist) ‎Class SLCommonFilter.TSLCommonFilter ‎[1,814 bytes]
  40. (hist) ‎Class VLChamferMatchingContour.TVLChamferAngles ‎[1,813 bytes]
  41. (hist) ‎Pin List ALDSAudioFilter.TALDSAudioFilter.InputPins ‎[1,812 bytes]
  42. (hist) ‎Class SLScope.TSLDisplayValueRange ‎[1,811 bytes]
  43. (hist) ‎Pin List ALAudioMixer.TALAudioMixer.InputPins ‎[1,810 bytes]
  44. (hist) ‎Class LPGDIPlusProperties.TLPGPColors ‎[1,810 bytes]
  45. (hist) ‎Property VLMotionDetect.TVLMotionDetect.Items ‎[1,809 bytes]
  46. (hist) ‎Class SLStreamTypes.TSLOWComboRealIntMatrixSinkPin ‎[1,807 bytes]
  47. (hist) ‎Method function IGDIPlus.IGPGraphics.EnumerateMetafileF(IGPMetafile;TGPPointF;TGPRectF;TGPUnit;TGPEnumerateMetafileProc;IGPImageAttributes) : TGPGraphics ‎[1,805 bytes]
  48. (hist) ‎Property MLDSPlayer.TMLDSPlayer.PumpPriority ‎[1,804 bytes]
  49. (hist) ‎Class IGDIPlus.TGPFontCollection ‎[1,802 bytes]
  50. (hist) ‎Class ILLinearGauge.TILLinearGaugeRotation ‎[1,802 bytes]

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