Class MLASFPlayer.TMLASFBasicPlayer
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Package: AudioLabBasicPkg
Unit: MLASFPlayer
Inherits: TMLWMFBaseComponent
Contents |
type TMLASFBasicPlayer = class( TMLWMFBaseComponent )
C++ Builder:
class TMLASFBasicPlayer : public TMLWMFBaseComponent
Visual C++ (MFC):
class CTMLASFBasicPlayer : public CTMLWMFBaseComponent
C# (.NET):
public ref class ASFBasicPlayer : Mitov.AudioLab.WMFBaseComponent
Abstract base class for ASF Video and Audio player components.
This is abstract base class for ASF Video and Audio player components. Do not use this class directly. Use the derived classes instead.
- FileName - Name of the file or URL to be played.
- Enabled - Enables/Disables the generator.
- Credentials - Specifies credentials login information.
- Timeout - Timeout period for the component when opening remote streams.
- Paused - Pauses or resumes the playback.
- Loop - Replayed again after the end.
- PlaybackSpeed - Specifies the desired playback speed as coefficient.
- ClockSource - Specifies the clock source - internal or external.
- CurrentTime - Current time being played.
- DurationTime - The total time of the opened file.
- Opened - Indicates if the file is opened.
- Attributes - Returns the stream attributes.
- function GetBufferingState(var APercentDone : Integer; var ATimeRemaining : Int64) : Boolean - Returns information about the progress of the buffering.
- function Open() : Boolean - Opens the file and prepares it to be played.
- procedure Close() - Closes the file.
- procedure Pause() - Pauses the playback.
- procedure Resume() - Resumes paused playback.
- procedure Start() - Starts the playback.
- procedure Stop() - Stops the playback.
- procedure Pump() - Plays one buffer if enabled and ClockSource is csExternal.
- procedure StopBuffering() - Stops the buffering.
- ClockPin - The external clock pin for the player.
- ProgressPin - The Play Progress Pin of the player.
- OnPlayerStatus - Occurs when the status of the ASF player is changed, as example from Started to Stopped etc.
- OnProgress - Player progress notification event.
- OnStop - Occurs when the playback stops.
From TMLWMFBaseComponent
- function Open() : Boolean - Opens the component and prepares it for broadcasting or logging.
- procedure Close() - Closed the broadcasting or logging component.