Property ALDSFromSourceFilter.TALDSFromSourceFilter.PumpPriority
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Class: TALDSFromSourceFilter
Contents |
property PumpPriority : Cardinal read FPumpPriority write FPumpPriority default 0;
C++ Builder:
__property unsigned int PumpPriority = { read=FPumpPriority, write=FPumpPriority, default=0 };
Specifies the priority of the component as a pump.
This filter is capable of pumping data. It means that if no
other pumping component is presented, the component will
start generating buffers, and sending them via its OutputPin.
Delphi example:
ALDSFromSourceFilter1.PumpPriority := 5;
C++ Builder example:
ALDSFromSourceFilter1->PumpPriority = 5;
Visual C++(MFC/Win32) example:
ALDSFromSourceFilter1.PumpPriority = 5;
C# Example:
dsFromSourceFilter1.PumpPriority = 5;