Click on the link bellow to begin the download!
Installer for
IntelligenceLab (1827 MB):
IntelligenceLab VCL and FireMonkey 32 & 64 bit support for 10.2 Tokyo and 10.3 Rio
Updated on 2018-12-22, downloaded 1676 times.
Removal & Uninstallation
Once you have downloaded and un-zipped the installer and done your install, you may want to remove the software to upgrade to a new version. The method of removing will depend on how you originally installed it. If you ran an installation executable file you will be able to use the Program Un-install from the Control Panel on Windows 7/8 to do this or the Add/ Remove Application on prior versions. If you un-zipped the software direct from the zip archive you can simply delete the folder to which you un-zipped the contents to. Remember to close all development IDEs before performing any such removal.
Here is also a tutorial on how to uninstall Windows software, in case you decide to uninstall:
This version is compatible only with the corresponding versions of the rest of the libraries!
Do not install it together with different versions of the other LabPack-libraries.
Note: All individual LabPack products are sold either
with source code or without source code. Also, you may purchase
an upgrade from the version without to the version with source code.