Class MLDSPlayer.TMLDSPlayer
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Package: AudioLabBasicPkg
Unit: MLDSPlayer
Inherits: TLPComponent
Contents |
type TMLDSPlayer = class( TLPComponent )
C++ Builder:
class TMLDSPlayer : public TLPComponent
Visual C++ (MFC):
class CTMLDSPlayer : public CTLPComponent
C# (.NET):
public ref class DSPlayer : Mitov.AudioLab.Component
Base class for DirectShow audio and video players.
Defines base class for DirectShow audio and video players.
Do not use this class directly. Use the derived classes instead.
- Graph - The DirectShow Graph.
- Enabled - Enables/Disables the filter.
- Paused - Pauses or resumes the playback.
- ClockSource - Specifies the clock source - internal or external.
- PumpPriority - Specifies the priority of the component as a pump.
- Loop - Replayed again after the end.
- FileName - Name of the file to be Played.
- RestartOnNewFile - Send Stop/Start notification when switching files.
- PlaybackRate - Specifies the desired playback rate.
- PlaybackPrefill - Specifies the desired playback prefill.
- ExtractRawAudio - Specifies if the player should try to extract raw/uncompressed audio.
- Opened - Indicates if the file is opened.
- WaveFormat - Returns the current audio format.
- function Open() : Boolean - Opens the file and creates the DirectShow graph needed for the player.
- procedure Close() - Closes the file and destroys the DirectShow graph for the player.
- procedure Start() - Starts the playback.
- procedure Stop() - Stops the playback.
- procedure Pause() - Pauses the playback.
- procedure Resume() - Resumes paused playback.
- procedure Pump() - Plays one buffer if enabled and ClockSource is csExternal.
- ProgressPin - The Play Progress Pin of the player.
- ClockPin - The external clock pin for the player.
- TextOutputPin - The Text Output Pin of the player.
- RawAudioOutputPin - The Raw uncompressed Audio Output Pin of the player.
- OnProgress - Player progress notification event.
- OnStop - Occurs when the playback stops.
- OnCaptionText - Occurs when a new text appears in the text stream.