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Most popular forum: VideoLab (307 posts, 76 threads)

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New users (85 replies)
Solved: Serious Problem #2 - Videos do not start everytime (18 replies)
videomode (16 replies)
sound and video not synchronized (15 replies)
VLScreenCapture color problem (14 replies)
how to make speech recognition (13 replies)
From VLScreenCapture to web ... any tips? (11 replies)
Trying to set Font in VLDrawTextLayer (11 replies)
Letting user pick Codec (10 replies)
Pitch analysis and silence vs. speech detection with SignalLab (10 replies)
Problem with installation (10 replies)
Any ideas on why Open() would fail? (10 replies)
Codec control (9 replies)
2 questions: AudioIn sample rate 44100, OMP affinity (9 replies)
Rotating an image, omg I cant !!! (9 replies)
New users (3,617,456 views)
Urgent Development Request (1,077,349 views)
Developer needed for a project on new Video Technology (425,104 views)
PlotLab.Scope (268,813 views)
Version 5.0.2 32 and 64 bit of all of the libraries is available (53,165 views)
DateTime axisX in seconds (40,713 views)
Solved: Serious Problem #2 - Videos do not start everytime (38,019 views)
DSToSink filter (36,479 views)
X-Axis parameters (35,785 views)
videomode (33,637 views)
First FireMonkey Beta is available! (32,325 views)
Problem with installation (32,054 views)
sound and video not synchronized (29,154 views)
VLScreenCapture color problem (27,655 views)
LED onclick event (27,651 views)