Current Version
Installer for
ControlLab (164 MB):
ControlLab for Visual C++ MFC
Updated on 2020-11-26, downloaded 339 times.
Installer for
MegaLab (806 MB):
MegaLab for Visual C++ MFC
Updated on 2020-11-26, downloaded 93 times.
Installer for
SignalLab (178 MB):
SignalLab for Visual C++ MFC
Updated on 2020-11-26, downloaded 7144 times.
Installer for
VideoLab (306 MB):
VideoLab for Visual C++ MFC
Updated on 2020-11-26, downloaded 13856 times.
Installer for
AudioLab (206 MB):
AudioLab for Visual C++ MFC
Updated on 2020-11-26, downloaded 13875 times.
Installer for
LogicLab (162 MB):
LogicLab for Visual C++ MFC
Updated on 2020-11-26, downloaded 110 times.
Installer for
VisionLab (341 MB):
VisionLab for Visual C++ MFC
Updated on 2020-11-26, downloaded 5173 times.
Installer for
PlotLab (170 MB):
PlotLab for Visual C++ MFC
Updated on 2020-11-26, downloaded 14162 times.
Installer for
InstrumentLab (171 MB):
InstrumentLab for Visual C++ MFC
Updated on 2020-11-26, downloaded 4033 times.
Installer for
IntelligenceLab (172 MB):
IntelligenceLab for Visual C++ MFC
Updated on 2020-11-26, downloaded 1634 times.
Installer for
BasicVideo (281 MB):
BasicVideo for Visual C++ MFC
Updated on 2020-11-26, downloaded 2030 times.
Installer for
CommunicationLab (161 MB):
CommunicationLab for Visual C++ MFC
Updated on 2020-11-26, downloaded 132 times.
Installer for
BasicAudio (182 MB):
BasicAudio for Visual C++ MFC
Updated on 2020-11-26, downloaded 2126 times.
Once you have downloaded and un-zipped the installer and done your install, you may want to remove the software to upgrade to a new version. The method of removing will depend on how you originally installed it. If you ran an installation executable file you will be able to use the Program Un-install from the Control Panel on Windows 7/8 to do this or the Add/ Remove Application on prior versions. If you un-zipped the software direct from the zip archive you can simply delete the folder to which you un-zipped the contents to. Remember to close all development IDEs before performing any such removal.
NEW RELEASE: Updated RAD Studio/Delphi 12.3 Athens version of all the libraries has been released!
NEW RELEASE: Updated RAD Studio/Delphi 12.2 Athens version of all the libraries has been released!
NEW RELEASE: Updated RAD Studio/Delphi 12.0.0 Athens version of all the libraries has been released!
NEW RELEASE: Updated RAD Studio/Delphi 12.0.0 Athens version of all the libraries has been released!
NEW RELEASE: Updated RAD Studio/Delphi 12.0.0 Athens version of all the libraries has been released!
NEW RELEASE: RAD Studio/Delphi 12.0.0 Athens version of all the libraries has been released!
NEW RELEASE: Updated RAD Studio/Delphi 10.4 Sydney version of all the libraries has been released!
NEW RELEASE: Updated RAD Studio/Delphi 10.3 Rio version of all the libraries has been released!
NEW RELEASE: Updated RAD Studio/Delphi 11.0 Alexandria version of all the libraries has been released!
NEW RELEASE: Updated RAD Studio/Delphi 10.4.2 Sydney version of all the libraries has been released!
NEW RELEASE: Updated RAD Studio/Delphi 11.0.0 Alexandria version of all the libraries has been released!
NEW RELEASE: RAD Studio/Delphi 11.0 Alexandria version of all the libraries has been released!
NEW RELEASE: RAD Studio/Delphi 10.4.2 Sydney version of all the libraries has been released!