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Delphi and C++ Builder Experts

Experts are wizards that enhance your productivity with the Delphi and C++ Builder IDE's.
Image Debugger Visualizer
Version 1.1
September 20, 2009
Button to Show Screenshot
D2010, CB2010
TBitmap Debug Visualizer. Allows viewing the content of a bitmap in the debugger.
Delphi Buffer list expert
Version 1.1
May 6, 2001
Button to Show Screenshot
Can your Delphi show you the opened files in a nice easy to use form ? Well, kind of. Click Ctrl+B and you will see what I mean. Here is the solution. Download the updated version of the BufferListExpert and copy it to your Delphi/Bin directory. Then start Delphi, go to the editor and click Ctrl+B. You will love it !
Buffer list expert
Version 1.2
April 22, 2003
Button to Show Screenshot
CB5, CB6
Can your C++ Builder show you the opened files in a nice easy to use form ? Well, kind of. Click Ctrl+B and you will see what I mean. Here is the solution. Download the updated version of the BufferListExpert and copy it to your C++Builder/Bin directory. Then start C++Builder, go to the editor and click Ctrl+B. You will love it !

Delphi and C++ Builder Components

TBMDThread set
Version 2.3
December 21, 2023
D5, D6, D7, D2005, D2006, D2007, D2009, D2010, DXE, DXE2, DXE3, DXE4, DXE5, DXE6, DXE7, DXE8, 10 Seattle, 10.1 Berlin, 10.2 Tokyo, 10.3 Rio, 10.4 Sydney, 11 Alexandria, 12 Athens
Do you need to write a multithreaded application? Are you annoyed of writing lines and lines of code for thread synchronization and CriticalSections for data protection? Would you believe that the thread is just a click away? Well here it is, the TBMDThread is a native VCL component implementing everything you need to create the thread and the synchronization by just dropping the component on the form. Just set couple of therads to point to one and the same group and you can control and monitor all of them. Enjoy!
Version 2.2
November 28, 2011
Button to Show Screenshot
CB5, CB6, CB2006, CB2007, CB2009, CB2010, CBXE, CBXE2
The BMSpinEdit component has a guage under the edit box, and shows a track bar when pressing the button next to it. Looks very much alike the edit boxes in PaintShopPro and some other similar programs. Works with floating point values. Try the demo exe and you will love it :-) NOW SUPPORTS C++ Builder 2010!
Version 2.4
February 21, 2024
Button to Show Screenshot
D5, D6, D7, D2005, D2006, D2007, D2009, D2010, DXE, DXE2, DXE3, DXE4, DXE5, DXE6, DXE7, DXE8, 10 Seattle, 10.1 Berlin, 10.2 Tokyo, 10.3 Rio, 10.4 Sydney, 11 Alexandria, 12 Athens
Thanks to Mauro Venturini now there is a Delphi version of the BMSpinEdit component available :-) . Thanks to Karsten Lehnart there are some fixes and improvements in the Delphi version. Thank you Mauro and Karsten ! NOW SUPPORTS Delphi XE and XE2, 32 and 64 bit!
Version 1.5
November 24, 2008
CB3, CB4, CB5, CB6, CB2009
Open and SaveAs dialogs with media preview. 2 seconds after clicking on a media file and the file will be played inside the preview area in case it is a movie, or in case of sound you will hear it. Drop it inside your application and enjoy fast end easy media file selection. NOW SUPPORTS C++ Builder 2009! Unfortunately due to linker bugs C++ Builder 2006 and 2007 are not supported.
TBMShapedButton & TBMWave
Version 2.2
March 3, 2010
Button to Show Screenshot
CB3, CB4, CB5, CB6, CB2006, CB2007, CB2009, CB2010
Button which can have any shape. Uses the shape of a transparent bitmap. Nice relief view. Highlight clouds and more. Many nice options and custom sounds effects. Now the sound effects are separated into TBMWave component, which allows many buttons to be customized at once ! Now the good part is that the sound can be part of the executable or not and the decision can be made depend of the size of the .WAV file. NOW SUPPORTS C++ Builder 2010!
Version Beta 1.8
March 3, 2010
Button to Show Screenshot
CB3, CB4, CB5, CB6, CB2006, CB2007, CB2009, CB2010
Create forms of any shape in your project. Any transparent bitmap can be used to shape your form. Just drop this component, select a bitmap and run your program. It can’t be more simple than that. You can even stratch the image and the form will be stratched as well. Can’t belive ? Don’t wait ! Download and test it your self. It’s free and with full source code ! NOW SUPPORTS C++ Builder 2010!
Version 2.5
January 18, 2009
Button to Show Screenshot
CB3, CB4, CB5, CB6, CB2006, CB2007, CB2009
Do You need of splitter in Your program ? There are so many of them on the web, but if You do need of keeping the same percent when the form resizes or to do have dynamic hint with the current percent inside, no luck. Even when You decide to hide one of the views for a while You are in trouble. Well this component solves this problems for You. Try this and I guess You are gonna like this. Now with new features as a collapsing button and dynamic update. NOW SUPPORTS C++ Builder 2009!
TBMPageControl & TBMWave
Version 3.2
December 7, 2008
Button to Show Screenshot
CB3, CB4, CB5, CB6, CB2006, CB2007, CB2009
PageControl, with the capability to show a transparent bitmap on each page caption. In this one, the image is owned by the sheet, so it's easier to menage, and even to do drag and drop sheets between different page controls. each page can have different color or background bitmap ( Stretched ot tiled ). Different colorization rules ( Active/inactive page) Different bitmap, when the page is active, or the cursor is over, and even automatically highlights the bitmaps, when the cursor is passing over and grays them when the page is unselected. Inserted and Shadowed text and images as well as showing a nice color cloud around the hot tracked text. Nice cloud animation efect ! Now even the page control it self can have different color. Supports the new BCB 4.0 button styles. Supports various sound effects ! NOW SUPPORTS Delphi 2006, 2007 and 2009!
TBMViewUpdate set
Version 1.4
November 26, 2008
CB3, CB4, CB5, CB6, CB2006, CB2007, CB2009
Set of components for making a controlled by TreeView or ListView preview. Support timeout and Invalidate / Validate / Update optimization. The preview can be controlled from one or few ListViews or / and TreeViews. Now supports global OnChange, and OnDelete evens. NOW SUPPORTS C++ Builder 2009!
Version 2.0
April 15, 1999
CB3, CB4, CB5, CB6
Have You ever wonder how to put OnIdle event for couple of forms ? This is not a problem any more. With this component You can put OnIdle event for every form, even couple of OnIdle events in one and the same form if You do need of. Simply drop TFormIdle in Your form and set the OnIdle event.
Version 1.1
December 6, 2004
CB3, CB4, CB5, CB6
Do you need of a fast and easy access to a image ? The TCanvas::Pixels property is so slow ... You can use the device independant bitmap, but what huge amount of work is this... Well here it is the TDIBAcess component. Just link this to a TImage or descendant component, call the BeginUpdate method and voala. Easy and fast access trough the TDIBAcess::Pixels property to any of the pixels. Call EndUpdate and the picture has been updated. It’s never been so easy. So enjoy and create a lot of image processing applications.
Version Beta 1.0b5
March 20, 1999
Do you need to show an animated gif image on your form ? This component is exactly for you. Just drop it on your form, select the image and enable the animation. The component has been initialy based on the Rx gif component and has been modified to work propertly, and faster. Supports rally transparent gifs.
TBMThread set
Version 1.8
November 11, 2015
CB5, CB6, CB2006, CB2007, CB2009, CB2010, CBXE, CBXE2, CBXE3, CBXE4, CBXE5, CBXE6, CBXE7, CBXE8, CB 10 Seattle
Do you need to write a multithreaded application? Are you annoyed of writing lines and lines of code for thread synchronization and CriticalSections for data protection? Would you believe that the thread is just a click away? Well here it is, the TBMThread is a native VCL component implementing everything you need to create the thread and the synchronization by just dropping the component on the form. Just set couple of therads to point to one and the same group and you can control and monitor all of them. Enjoy! NOW SUPPORTS C++ Builder XE3!

Obsolete C++ Builder Components

These components have been designed for BCB 1.0; they are sometimes useful in higher versions of BCB, but not very often. They come with very limited support and are no longer being developed.
Version 2.0
April 15, 1999
CB1, CB3, CB4, CB5
Have You ever had flicker problems ? This component solves the problem for many BCB components. Simply put the component to a form and set it's BkgOwner property to the component which shouldn't redraw its background. In addition You can set OnBackgrondDraw event to draw something on the background for You.
Version 2.0
April 15, 1999
CB1, CB3, CB4, CB5
This component solves the flicker problem for the BCB forms. Simply put the component to a form which shouldn't redraw its background. (Requires TNewBkg )
Version 2.0
December 6, 2004
CB1, CB3, CB4, CB5
This component solves the flicker problem for the BCB Panels. It's working as a Panel, except that it's drawing it self faster and it is not redrawing its background.


August 19, 2024more...

NEW RELEASE: Updated RAD Studio/Delphi 12.0.0 Athens version of all the libraries has been released!

June 14, 2024more...

NEW RELEASE: Updated RAD Studio/Delphi 12.0.0 Athens version of all the libraries has been released!

February 21, 2024more...

NEW RELEASE: Updated RAD Studio/Delphi 12.0.0 Athens version of all the libraries has been released!

December 21, 2023more...

UPDATED: BMDThread Delphi components

December 6, 2023more...

NEW RELEASE: RAD Studio/Delphi 12.0.0 Athens version of all the libraries has been released!

March 9, 2022more...

NEW RELEASE: Updated RAD Studio/Delphi 10.4 Sydney version of all the libraries has been released!

March 7, 2022more...

NEW RELEASE: Updated RAD Studio/Delphi 10.3 Rio version of all the libraries has been released!

March 2, 2022more...

NEW RELEASE: Updated RAD Studio/Delphi 11.0 Alexandria version of all the libraries has been released!

January 28, 2022more...

NEW RELEASE: Updated RAD Studio/Delphi 10.4.2 Sydney version of all the libraries has been released!

January 28, 2022more...

NEW! OpenWire Studio version Beta is released.

December 21, 2021more...

NEW RELEASE: Updated RAD Studio/Delphi 11.0.0 Alexandria version of all the libraries has been released!

October 11, 2021more...

NEW RELEASE: RAD Studio/Delphi 11.0 Alexandria version of all the libraries has been released!

May 12, 2021more...

NEW RELEASE: RAD Studio/Delphi 10.4.2 Sydney version of all the libraries has been released!

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