BasicAudio is a set of components for fast audio processing with almost zero lines of code!

  • Capture
  • Record
  • Play

BasicAudio: Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Does BasicAudio support the format of my Audio Files?
A: BasicAudio supports both Win32 API and DirectShow technologies. Win32 API will allow you to play only Wave files. If you decide to use DirectShow BasicAudio will use any DirectShow filter available on your system. If you have a DirectShow filter for a particular video format BasicAudio will recognize the format and use the proper filter. This means that BasicAudio is capable of using any format available today. If you have a file that you can’t play in BasicAudio, it means that you probably don’t have the proper DirectShow filter. Please search the web and download the filter needed for the particular format.
Q: I can’t play my video file! What is wrong?
A: In order to play format other then basic Wave you must use the DirectShow TVLDSAudioPlayer component. If you still can’t play the file, please check if you have installed a DirectShow codec for the file format. BasicAudio needs a codec available in the system in order to decode the file. A huge selection of codecs is available on the WEB.
Q: Do I have to purchase BasicAudio?
A: BasicAudio is free for non commercial purposes. This means that you can use it for personal pleasure, hobby, or evaluation purposes. If you are student you can also use it for free for your educational needs including school projects. If you are a tutor at present you also can use it for free for your classes. However in the near future a low cost tutor license will be available, and you will have to purchase it. Your students however will not need license to use the product at class.
Q: Is BasicAudio multithreading? Will it stop streaming while I move the window with the mouse?
A: Yes. BasicAudio is fully multithreaded and will not stop streaming while the main thread is busy.
Q: Does BasicAudio support DirectShow?
A: Yes. BasicAudio supports DirectShow 8.1 or higher.
Q: What version of DirectShow I need to run BasicAudio?
A: BasicAudio supports DirectShow 8.1 or higher.
Q: Can I capture and save audio sample out of the audio stream?
A: Yes. Use the TALGenericFilter to obtain the sample. Check the CustomFiltersDemo example in the demos directory.
Q: Can I create a audio on the fly?
A: Yes. Use the TALGenericFilter to generate the buffers. Check the “Quick Start” manual for more information.
Q: Can I process the audio faster than the normal audio speed.
A: Yes. Check the “Quick Start” manual for more information.
Q: I want to copy and paste parts of the audio a new file. Can BasicAudio do that?
A: Yes. BasicAudio uses DirectShow to play and record files. Many formats do not allow easy positioning and can’t be used with DirectShow Editing Services. BasicAudio offers a different approach. It allows you to play even non seek enabled file to a specific position and copy a portion of the file into a new one. Check the “Quick Start” manual for more information.
Q: Can I play audio files from a Web URL?
A: Yes. You can use the TALDSAudioPlayer to play files as well as any audio URL from the web.
Q: I want to use BasicAudio. Do I have to install DirectShow?
A: DirectShow is not required on your system if you are not planning to write application using the DirectShow components of the package.
If you do not have a compatible IDE, you can purchase an Embarcadero IDE


*Due to a linker bug in C++ Builder XE2, Firemonkey is not working properly for all libraries, and VCL is not working for VisionLab.
This applies only to C++ Builder XE2.
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C++ Builder 10.1 Berlin
C++ Builder 2010
C++ Builder 2009
C++ Builder 2007
C++ Builder 2006
Turbo C++ 2006
C++ Builder 6
C++ Builder 5
RAD Studio 2010
RAD Studio 2009
RAD Studio 2007
BDS 2006
Visual Studio 2010
Visual C++ 2017 (MFC)
Visual C++ 2015 (MFC)
Visual C++ 2012 (MFC)
Visual C++ 2010 (MFC / Win32)
Visual C++ 2008 (MFC / Win32)
Visual C++ 2005 (MFC / Win32)
Visual C++ 2003 (MFC / Win32)
Visual C++ 6.0 (MFC / Win32)
Visual F# 2012
Visual F# 2010
Visual C++/CLI 2012
Visual C++/CLI 2010
Visual C# 2017
Visual C# 2015
Visual C# 2012
Visual C# 2010
Visual Basic 2017
Visual Basic 2015
Visual Basic 2012
Visual Basic 2010
Visual C++/CLI 2008
Visual C# 2008
Visual Basic 2008
Visual J# 2005
Visual C++/CLI 2005
Visual C# 2005
Visual Basic 2005
Windows 8, 10, and Higher
Apple iOS
Windows 7
Windows Vista
Delphi 10 Seattle
Delphi XE8
Delphi 2010
C++ Builder 10 Seattle
C++ Builder XE8
C++ Builder 2010
RAD Studio 10 Seattle
RAD Studio XE8
RAD Studio 2010
Delphi Prism

