With OW Live Bindings for Rad Studio, add typed Input & Output Pins as design-time properties.  Then, connect to bind!  
  • Add Pins to any FireMonkey or VCL component
  • Connect sources & sinks for data, event, or state
  • Quickly bind data to business logic or UI


OpenWire Live Bindings: Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why can't I connect two specific pins?

If you are unable to connect two pins, this means that they are not compatible -- they do not produce / consume the same type of data stream.  To determine which pins are compatible, hover over an output pin and all compatible input pins will be highlighted.

Q: Can the OpenWire Editor be integrated with a product that I am developing/selling?

Perhaps: it depends on the nature of your product.  Contact Boian Mitov ( mitov@mitov.com ) regarding licensing a custom, embedded version the OpenWire editor.

Q: For which platforms is OpenWire Visual Live Bindings available?

Visual Live Bindings is available for the following IDEs:

  • RAD Studio XE2
  • Delphi XE2
  • C++ Builder XE2
If you do not have a compatible IDE, you can purchase an Embarcadero IDE


*Due to a linker bug in C++ Builder XE2, Firemonkey is not working properly for all libraries, and VCL is not working for VisionLab.
This applies only to C++ Builder XE2.
C++ Builder 10.1 Berlin
Visual C# 2012
Windows 8, 10, and Higher
Apple iOS
Windows 7
Windows Vista
Delphi 10 Seattle
Delphi XE8
C++ Builder 10 Seattle
C++ Builder XE8
RAD Studio 10 Seattle
RAD Studio XE8

