Write a complex Digital Signal Processing(DSP) application with SignalLab using Delphi or C++ Builder


There is no code writing necessary to complete this application.

There is no need to know Delphi or C++ Builder in order to create this application.

Here is what our application will do:

  1. The application will generate random signal.
  2. The signal will be plotted on a scope component.
  3. The signal will be filtered by a LowPass filter.
  4. The filtered signal will be recorded into a file.
  5. The filtered signal also will be plotted on the Scope.
  6. The application will perform Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) on both the original and the filtered signal.
  7. The results of both FFTs will be shown in a separated Scope, and the FFT of the filtered signal will be shown in a Waterfall.

All of this will be done in less than 2 minutes, and without writing a single line of code.

The steps bellow are captured using Delphi 2007, however they are identical in C++ Builder and older versions of the products.


The tutorial covers the following steps, which should take less than 5 minutes:

1. Add a TSLRandomGen Component to Your Application's Form:

1.1. From the SignalLab tab of the component palette drop a SLRandomGen TSLSignalGen component.

2. Add a TSLLowPass Component to Your Application's Form:

2.1. From the SignalLab tab of the component palette drop a SLLowPass TSLLowPass component.

3. Add 2 TSLFourier Components to Your Application's Form:

3.1. From the SignalLab tab of the component palette drop 2 SLFourier TSLFourier components.

4. Add a TSLLogger Component to Your Application's Form:

4.1. From the SignalLab tab of the component palette drop a SLLogger TSLLogger component.

5. Add 2 TSLScope Controls to Your Application's Form:

5.1. From the PlotLab tab of the component palette drop 2 SLScope TSLScope controls.

6. Add a TSLWaterfall Control to Your Application's Form:

4.1. From the SignalLab tab of the component palette drop a SLWaterfall TSLWaterfall control.

7. Add 2 channels to both SLScope1 and SLScope2:

7.1. Double-click on the SLScope1 component on the form:


7.2. Select Channel0 in the channel editor:


7.3. In the Property Editor change the name of the channel to “Random”:


7.4 In the Channel Editor click on theNewChannelButton to add a new channel, and select it:


7.5. In the Property Editor change the name of the channel to “LowPass”:


7.6. Repeat the same steps with SLScope2 so it will also have 2 channels named “Random”, and “LowPass”.

8. Connect the SLRandomGen1.OutputPin to SLScope1.InputPins.Random, SLLowPass1.InputPin and SLFourier1.InputPin:

8.1. Select the SLRandomGen1 component on the form:


8.2. In the SLRandomGen1 Properties select OutputPin and click on the DottedButton button:


8.3. In the connection editor check the InputPins.Random of the SLScope1, InputPin of SLLowPass1 and InputPin of SLFourier1, then click OK:


9. Connect the SLLowPass1.OutputPin to SLScope1.InputPins.LowPass, SLLogger1.InputPin and SLFourier2.InputPin:

9.1. Select the SLLowPass1 component on the form:


9.2. In the SLLowPass1 Properties select OutputPin and click on the DottedButton button:


9.3. In the connection editor check the InputPins.LowPass of the SLScope1, InputPin of SLLogger1 and InputPin of SLFourier2, then click OK:


10. Connect the SLFourier1.OutputPin to SLScope2.InputPins.Random:

10.1. Select the SLFourier1 component on the form:


10.2. In the SLFourier1 Properties select SpectrumOutputPin and click on the DottedButton button:


10.3. In the connection editor check the InputPins.Random of the SLScope2, and click OK:


11. Connect the SLFourier2.OutputPin to SLScope2.InputPins.Random and SLWaterfall1.InputPin:

11.1. Select the SLFourier2 component on the form:


11.2. In the SLFourier2 Properties select SpectrumOutputPin and click on the DottedButton button:


11.3. In the connection editor check the InputPins.LowPass of the SLScope2, and InputPin of the SLWaterfall1, then click OK:


12. Select file name for the file to be recorded by the logger1:

12.1. Select the SLLogger1 component on the form:


12.2. In the SLLogger1 Properties select the FileName property and enter the path and the name of the file where you want to record the processed data:


13. Run the Application:

13.1 Press (F9) to run the application. You should see result similar to this one:


Here is a diagram of the OpenWire connections in this application:
